Monday, September 30, 2019

English Teacher

Name______________________________________ Date ______________________Block__ Subject-Verb Agreement – Exercise 1 Circle the correct verb in each sentence below. In the line next to the sentence write down the rule# it applies to. 1. Emily and Greg (comes,   come) to my house every Friday for lunch. Rule#_____ 2. There (is,   are) time to watch the movie. Rule#_____ 3. My friends who are in the band (wants,   want) me to play a musical instrument. Rule#_____ 4. My father or my brothers (is,   are) coming with me to the ball game. Rule#_____ 5. Everyone (needs, need) time to relax. Rule#_____ . That bag of oranges (looks, look) fresh. Rule#_____ 7. The lacrosse team (hopes, hope) to win the tournament next week. Rule#_____ 8. Your trousers (needs, need) to be cleaned. Rule#_____ 9. Some of the books on the shelf (is, are) dusty. Rule#_____ 10. Even though the students like the class, a few (thinks, think) that it is too complicated Rule#_____ ———â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Top of Form Name______________________________________ Date ______________________Block__ Subject-Verb Agreement – Exercise 2 Circle the correct verb in each sentence below.In the line next to the sentence write down the rule# it applies to. 1. Mumps (is, are) not common among adults. Rule#_____ 2. Viruses from third world countries (is, are) a major concern. Rule#_____ 3. Most of the sand (is, are)   wet from the high tide. Rule#_____ 4. Either the two kittens or the puppy (sits, sit) in my lap while I watch television. Rule#_____ 5. A subject of great interest (is, are) rainforests. Rule#_____ 6. Hansel and Gretel (is, are) a famous children's story. Rule#_____ 7. The team members (is, are) arguing over the defense tactics. Rule#_____ 8. The economics of the trip (was, were) pleasing.Rule#_____ 9. Why (is, are) your parents going to Africa for a vacation? Rule#_____ 10. The mayor and the governor (hopes, hope) that the bill will soon become a law Rule#_____ Name______________________________________ Date ______________________Block__ Subject-Verb Agreement – Exercise 3 Circle the correct verb in each sentence below. In the line next to the sentence write down the rule# it applies to. ————————————————- Top of Form 1. The books from the library (need   needs) to be returned by Friday. Rule#_____ 2. The parents and the child often (watch  Ã‚   watches)   Disney movies. Rule#_____ 3.The phone that belongs to the two friends (have   has) finally run out of minutes. Rule#_____ 4. That pair of trousers (look   looks) good on you. Rule#_____ 5. Either Matilda or her brothers (use   uses) the symphony tickets each week. Rule#_____ 6. The crowd (were was) cheering wildly for Tom. Rule#_____ 7. The politics of this campaign (seemà ‚   seems) very complicated. Rule#_____ 8. Everyone at the company's headquarters (know   knows) the code to the safe. Rule#_____ 9. Gulliver's Travels (are   is)   one of my favorite books. Rule#_____ 10. Measles (cause   causes) a good deal of itching. Rule#_____ Bottom of Form Bottom of Form

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Literacy and the Politics of Education Essay

This article, Literacy and the Politics of Education written by C.H Knoblauch was written to express his feelings on how America is becoming illiterate ever since a new era of technology was introduced in 1960. Knoblauch believes that the few who are literate will succeed in life, and that the rest of general society who are illiterate will have trouble finding success in their future endeavors. He has taken on this subject because of his frustration on his fellow peers, and their lack of motivation to excel in literacy. He uses repetition to stress the fact that we need to become more literate to succeed in today’s society. Knoblauch uses articles from various writings of other literate authors to help get his point across. He goes into detail explaining in order for society as a whole to succeed in life that it starts with the success of each individual’s literacy. Knoblauch explains how other totalitarian countries keep their strength by keeping the majority less knowledgeable about literacy. Dictators, of such countries are literate, and keep that privilege from the citizens of that country, because if the people of the country were as literate as the dictator himself/herself then the people would have the power to over through such dictator. Knoblauch uses all of these examples to point out and stress the importance of literacy and writing in the world today, and stresses that without the know-how of reading and writing we will not succeed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Children families and communities Community Violence and International Essay

Children families and communities Community Violence and International Conflict - Essay Example This essay reviews the violence and community and international level. Community violence exposes children to emotional and behavioural problems and perpetrates violence. Intervention to prevent vulnerability to violence improves the life chances and reduces violence in vulnerable communities. Community violence causes aggression, depression and anxiety among children in the community (Garbarino, Hammond, Mercy & Yung, 2004). Factors increasing risk for exposure to community violence Research shows stressful life events, behavioural problems and the family characteristics as some of the risk factors exposing children to community violence. 1. Living in lower socioeconomic areas The presence of socioeconomic resources exposes children to community violence and aggression. Historically, the African Americans are affected disproportionately by unemployment, poverty and exposure to community violence. African Americans, especially male youths, are affected significantly by the juvenile d iscrepancy and the gun crimes. People living in low socioeconomic areas  may be adversely affected by the community violence (Spencer, Fegley & Harpalani, 2003). 2. Being from a minority group Ethnic minority are disproportionately affected by violence. ... 3. Exposure to domestic violence Children exposed to domestic violence exhibit behavioural disorders like delinquency and aggression. Domestic violence causes mood and emotional disorders like anxiety and depression, and the posttraumatic symptoms of stress like sleep disturbances. Domestic violence such as sexual assault leads to sexual abuse in the community. A child interprets domestic and community violence as unsafe world, and the ‘unworthiness’ for protection in life. This engenders helplessness and leads to negative perceptions. The posttraumatic stress disorder exposes the child to community violence because they impair behavioural and social functioning (Voisin, 2007). 4. Parental substance abuse Substance abuse by parents expose children to unpredictable behaviours. Behaviour changes from loving to withdrawal that causes chaos in the community. Despite of the sufferings that these children go through, the parents are to blame for the substance abuse. Children f rom families that abuse drugs are under constant fear of physical violence or incest. The youngsters suffer from the post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression and war crimes. Parental substance abuse affects the normal child development exposing youngsters to mental, physical and health problems (Sheidow, Gorman-Smith, Tolan & Henry, 2001). 5. Communities low in social capital The low social capital exposes children to community violence due to the reduction in accessibility to social resources, dysfunctional families and the overall fearful environment that substitutes the participation and cooperation in the community. Poverty and community violence is mediated through the availability of social institutions (Voisin,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Personality - Essay Example o being in constant unconscious battle within a person makes sense to me, as I liken it to a person’s continual debate of what is right and wrong, and then behaves according to his moral decisions. Such decisions are affected by what society dictates as well as what the person truly desires for himself. Anxiety is a state of tension that propels us to do something. It stems out of a conflict between the id, the ego and the superego over control of the person’s decisions. Anxiety warns the person of an impending danger. 1. â€Å"As an individual, I would not want (acceptance of gay behavior) to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with somebody elses wife, that we would just look the other way, which we do not. We prosecute that kind of immoral behavior," he said.† The act of General Pace calling gay people in the military immoral made him â€Å"rationalize† his hurtful statement that it was against his upbringing and that immoral acts such as sex between homosexuals should not be condoned. His rationalization only proves at least to himself that he is only doing his duty to protect the morality of citizens. 2. â€Å"The newspaper said Pace did not address concerns raised by a 2005 government audit that showed some 10,000 troops, including more than 50 specialists in Arabic, have been discharged because of the policy.† 3. "General Paces comments are outrageous, insensitive and disrespectful to the 65,000 lesbian and gay troops now serving in our armed forces," the advocacy group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network said in a statement on its Web site.† – The advocacy group may be exhibiting â€Å"denial† by insisting that General Pace’s comments were insensitive and disrespectful. Society does not openly accept homosexuality, and those who are still feel a certain guilt for being the way they are. Being faced with a strong comment like that of General Pace’s makes

Thursday, September 26, 2019

EMERGING MARKETS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

EMERGING MARKETS - Essay Example Banks were mostly publicly owned, although capital markets were allowed. Currently, India`s financial system is the most established in the emerging market economies. The financial systems of both countries are dominated by banks. For instance, China`s industrious savers have no choice to formal banking system. On the contrary, a significant number of Indians distrust banks but they have a preference to amass gold and real estate properties as an alternative. In addition, both governments need banks to serve social objectives, but the Indian government is more translucent concerning the shared results being worth the expense. Banks whether private or public must meet objectives for countryside access to banking services and loaning to significance sections and must distribute a needed share of their savings to public sector unions. The Chinese government`s political main concerns are to guarantee steady well-ordered liberalization of openly possessed manufacturers and economic growth adequate to captivate millions of labor force competitors, immigrants, as well as laid off employees every year. Bank loaning is still registered to finance much of this development even as banks are restructured to meet new oversea competition. Bank reforms started in earnest in 1995 when institutions and regulations were transformed to change them into commercial banks (Bosworth and Collins 2007). Practical norms for loaning were introduced, banking, secur ities as well as indemnity supervisors were developed and regulatory principles constricted. Three policy banks were established to carry on policy loaning roles and made regional heads purportedly with sufficient seniority to force bank loaning on credit worthiness criteria. The local banking system of China currently comprises of a considerable number of institutions almost all of which are under the ownership of various

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Enquiry Topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Enquiry Topics - Essay Example The debates in the state legislatures for ratification threw up serious concerns about the absence of protection of individual rights in the constitution which could lead to the government imposing tyrannical controls over its citizens. James Madison, the principal architect of the constitution, promised that the document would be amended to include individual rights. Several key states insisted on amendments and two states, North Carolina and Rhode Island refused to ratify the constitution without such amendments (Bill of Rights Institute1, 2010). This was the reason of urgency in introducing the legislation when the first congress met. The Bill of Rights is important because it guarantees what are termed the natural or inalienable rights of people. In the US Declaration of Independence, these rights include â€Å"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†. The ten amendments to the constitution that make up the Bill of Rights describe elements of these natural rights and en sure that the government cannot enact any laws that contravene these rights of the people. (Bill of Rights Institute 2, 2010). Though most people would name the First Amendment that guarantees freedom of speech, religion, assembly as the most important, the Fourth Amendment which protects citizens against unreasonable search and seizure has greater importance in distinguishing the US from a totalitarian state. This amendment ensures that no search or seizure can occur without a warrant issued on the basis of probable cause. The warrant also needs to describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized (, n.d) 2) What test is used to determine whether a police officer’s conduct constituted a â€Å"show of legal authority†? What factors are relevant in applying this test? How does the court determine when a seizure occurred? Why is it often necessary for the courts to pinpoint the exact moment a seizure occurred? By case law, a police offi cer is permitted to stop, interrogate and frisk a person if he has reasonable suspicion of wrong doing or to prevent the possibility of a crime being committed. Such detention or seizure without a warrant is considered to represent a â€Å"show of legal authority†. The courts recognize that such police action is in violation of the provisions of the Fourth Amendment but have balanced this against the need to give the police some discretion for effective law enforcement. A police officer is permitted to approach an individual in a public place and ask if he will answer some questions. The individual may decline to do so and that cannot be the sole grounds for detaining that person. The person so stopped may be frisked for hidden weapons if the police officer believes there is danger to his person or to others from the individual. In stopping such an individual, there must be no excess display of force such as the police officer drawing a weapon or multiple officers surrounding the person (Gorton, 1970). In various cases, the Supreme Court has defined seizure of the person to occur when a reasonable person believes that he or she is no longer free to terminate the encounter with the police and leave. In the 1991 case California v. Holdari, D., the court has held that seizure occurs when an individual is subject to physical force or a show of authority and the person yields to such force or authority (Sullivan, 2010). It is important to pinpoint the exact moment when a seizure has occurred because the courts are required to exclude

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What kind of society should the United States strive to become Essay

What kind of society should the United States strive to become - Essay Example Though it presents us with a unique opportunity, it has the potential to work against us if we fail to create a social attitude to accept these differences. There is a fine line we must walk to maintain our cultural differences without labeling a group as being different. Being set too far apart from the larger society runs the risk of many minorities becoming increasingly separated by prejudice and discrimination. The challenge is to incorporate and preserve multi-value systems without the attitude that can develop in a dominant-minority relationship. The multicultural approach views our value system as a diverse set of qualities that defines what it means to be an American. The term mulit-cultural implies that the definition is broad and sweeping, encompassing numerous attitudes and beliefs. The older national approach assumed there were a set of traditional American values at the core of our society. The two approaches are not mutually exclusive. Minority groups adopt the prevailing core values of the society in an effort to become more American. Immigrants may develop values based on our constitution or Ten Commandments without rejecting their own unique perspective and cultural heritage. What is ethnocentrism Can you identify your own ethnocentric feelings Please provide a specific example. Ethnocentrism is the belief that our own values and standards are the true and correct ones and cultural differences are viewed as unusual or inappropriate. Ethnocentrism deems our own judgments and values as morally superior than others, which we view as primitive or barbaric. It is a trait that gives us the sense that 'I am right, they are wrong'. When I see an ethnic grocery store or market in a major American city, I am instantly repelled by the bizarre types of foods and what I perceive as unhealthy conditions. I may not even know what the foods are, but my knowledge that they are different is enough for me to develop the perception that they are inferior to my familiar cheeseburger and french fries. My ethnocentrism is making the judgment without regard to well-reasoned thought. Week 2 Define pluralism and explain the ways in which it differs from assimilation. Why has interest in pluralism increased How have contemporary theorists added to the concept of pluralism Pluralism is the process of maintaining distinct social groups that hold and preserve unique cultural differences and values. Assimilation is the process of becoming a member of another group through social contact. It assumes that when groups interact they will adopt mutual values and goals. Over time, the two groups will merge into one without noticeable differences. Pluralism recognizes that values and ethnic traditions are preserved within a group because they offer value to its members in the way of self-image and group power. Interest in pluralism has increased because real assimilation does not seem to be a practical reality. Ethnic identification has become more pronounced as America becomes more diverse and groups cling to and celebrate their ethnic traditions. It is becoming more accepted that the assimilation predicted by Park and others will not come to pass in the foreseeable

Monday, September 23, 2019

WTS Migration Plan To Develop E-Business Capability Essay

WTS Migration Plan To Develop E-Business Capability - Essay Example Many commentators refer to e-commerce as all electronically mediated transaction between an organization and any third party it deals with. By this definition, non-financial transaction such as customers’ requests for further information would also be considered to be part of e-commerce. E-business or e-commerce refer to the technology/ system integrate with commerce i.e. purchase of goods and services over world wide web via secure servers with shopping carts and with electronic pay services like credit cards payment authorization. Impact of e-business on organizations is happening right before our eyes a vast and rapid reconfiguration of business on an unprecedented scale. Impact of e-business on almost every part of the organisation is evident. Choosing the important infrastructure i.e. appropriate technology and service provider is of utmost importance. Service providers and IT groups directly affect the value of the enterprises. E-business needs whole lot of infrastructur al change. The technical infrastructure element of e-business consists of Internet and server technologies, hardware and software. Apart from the infrastructure needed for any business i.e. man, money and machine, e-business needs some specific infrastructure to succeed which are known as business application infrastructure which supports e-business design by providing the software functionality required for the business design to work. E-business infrastructure, which has been needed by WTS, could be classified

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Life and Legacy of William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

The Life and Legacy of William Shakespeare Essay Seven years later after their wedding, William Shakespeare was born in April 26, 1564 in Stratford (accepted birth and birth place) to Mr. and Mrs. John Shakespeare. William had eight siblings, and although he didn’t get a chance to meet all of them, they were still part of his family. Joan (Oldest Sister), the first child brought a huge amount of joy to the young, and ambitious couple, only to be dealt a dreadful blow shortly after her birth; On September 15,1558 Joan was baptized (only survived two months). Margaret (Older Sister), was born in 1562 and was baptized on December 2. Once again family life was devastated as the little Margaret only lived for one year. Two years after William’ birth, the Shakespeare’s fourth child, Gilbert was born. Gilbert was baptized at Holy Trinity on October 13, 1566, at Holy Trinity. He followed his older brother (William) to London where he established a good and successful career later in life. Joan (Younger Sister), was born in 1569, she was named after her oldest sister, Joan. She had a dissimilar childhood to her older brothers. She was known, like her parents, to be unable to read or write. Joans childhood would have therefore been close to the family and helping her mother with the chores. Anne (Youngest Sister), was born September 28 1571, when William was seven years old, Gilbert was five and Joan was two providing the three brothers and sisters with another sister. Another catastrophe struck the family in 1579 when little eight year old Anne Shakespeare died. Richard (Younger Brother), was born 1574 and baptized on March 11, when William was 10 years old, Gilbert was 8, Joan was five and Anne was three providing the four brothers and sisters with another brother. In 1578 his elder brothers were removed from school to help with the business and it is therefore doubtful that Brother Richard received much of an education. Edmund (Youngest Brother), was born in 1580, he was christened on May 3. He had four, healthy, living siblings; Brother William aged 16, Brother Gilbert aged 14, Sister Joan aged 11 and Brother Richard aged 6. He never had the chance to meet his other older sisters Anne, Joan (eldest sister), and Margaret. William Shakespeare Brothers Sisters. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2012.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Existentialism and Metamorphosis Essay Example for Free

Existentialism and Metamorphosis Essay Existentialism is defined as a modern philosophical movement stressing the importance of one’s experience and accountability. Its focus is the make on the personal reflections that these make on the individual, who is seen as a free agent in a deterministic and seemingly meaningless universe. Its philosophy is meticulous that, in a nutshell, advocates a diverse arsenal of responses and solutions to the ‘existentialist attitude’; which, essentially, is what an individual feels when confronted by the absurdity of life. Throughout humanity, rumination and self-proclaimed ‘ultimate’ truths have assumed various forms: poetry, religion, and numerous other doctrines and textual works. In The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka narrates the ramifications of a metamorphosis in which the subject and protagonist, a man named Gregor Samsa, is transformed into a bug. Despite the novella’s literary methods and influences, the most prominent being the way Kafka so nonchalantly describes such irregularity in his life, The Metamorphosis is also hailed as a prime textual work of existentialism, the previously mentioned philosophical movement. Both prior and subsequent to the transformation, Kafka portrays Gregor as a man who seems lost within himself, and lacking identity. The reminiscences of his past are neither nostalgic nor poignant: his human life is seen to revolve solely around trivial matters. His social life pays the price from this, his failure to assert a concrete and consistent existence. The extent of his lack of individuality is further exemplified by his reaction to the metamorphosis: finding himself â€Å"transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect† (Kafka, 296), he prioritizes work over all else, even in his newly equated insect form. Furthermore, he panics because â€Å"the next train went at seven o’clock; to catch that he would need to hurry like mad and his samples weren’t even packed up† (297). Gregor’s identity crisis is a device for conveying Kafka’s belief of an impersonal society where individualism is drastically mitigated as a result of excessive materialism. Gregor, in the context of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground analogy, would be the ‘ant’ in the anthill— thus rendering his metamorphosis ironically. Another dominant theme prevalent throughout the novella is the absurd situation Gregor is confronted by. These nonsensical happenings (296-327) reflect the world as seen from the existentialist perspective: a world absent of a rational and comprehensive objective. Jean-Paul Sartre postulated that ‘every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance’. This meaninglessness is precisely what Gregor is victim to in the microcosm of society that Kafka generates: Gregor flounders about, beleaguered by absurdity and helplessness, presumably because he is unaware of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard’s somewhat consoling conclusions that one must devise meaning for one’s own existence ex nihilo. Once again, Kafka utilizes a combination of plot and character to convey his angst concerning an apparently pointless existence. Freedom— or rather the lack thereof— is another existentialist tenet that Kafka addresses. Gregor is depicted as someone constrained by self-imposed burdens, the most demanding being the role as the financial pillar of the family. Despite having the freedom to repudiate this role, Gregor instead pursues it with feverish ardor to the extent that it becomes his ‘sole desire’ (310). Yet his harangue regarding his career (297-298) reveals that this is not due to personal desire, but rather the belief that he must replace his father financially, regardless of preference. Gregor’s delusion regarding an absence of choice contradicts what Kafka perceives as the truth: that freedom is ubiquitous in spite of any ethical obligations we may be expected to adhere to, and that the individual defines his or herself via one’s decisions. A quasi-motto of existentialism coined by Sartre, ‘existence precedes essence’. In conclusion, Kafka employs the fictional literary elements he constructs to address the very non-fictional, existentialist aspects of society and life. Akin to Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground, it can be interpreted as both a rumination and tirade against impersonal communities, restriction of freedom, and the absurdity of life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Joule thief Voltage booster

Joule thief Voltage booster The Joule thief is a voltage booster which takes it energy from an almost dead battery and can produce output, while the other circuits consider the battery, to be drained. And an earth battery, as the name says, is a kind of battery which takes it energy from the soil or sea, with the help of unalike electrodes buried in them. The idea of this paper is to utilize the earth battery and run the joule thief to lighten up the lights in a walkway, which includes less effort and efficient output. Introduction and Background: The earth battery was demonstrated by Alexander Bain in 1841, when he tried to operate a clock. He buried zinc and copper plates in ground a meter apart which resulted in one voltage output and thus, operated the clock. These kinds of batteries were used for telegraphy by early researchers [source: EE]. This dirt setup is similar to Daniell-cell battery. It had two electrolytes: zinc hung freely in zinc-sulphate and copper in copper-sulphate solution. These electrodes exchange electrons between zinc and copper (which are the anode and cathode) and generate current. In the earth battery, the sulphates are replaced by dirt [source: HSW]. The Joule thief circuit was published in November 1999 issue of Everyday Practical Electronics (EPE), by Z.Kaparnik. It was an execution of transformer-feedback single-transistor inverter. A one meter copper wire is wounded around a ferrite (toroid core) to make it a transformer and the resistor limits the feedback current into the transistor and the transistor switches on and off about 50,000 times in one second making the LED to light [source: BC/Joule]. Methodology: The methodology is to use the earth battery, which produces comparatively more energy (unlike the generally used circuits) and ride a Joule thief, which usually takes energy from almost dead batteries and produces output equal as the input. So when used in this scenario, will produce voltage same as input, that is, the energy from earth battery, and can be used to lit LED lights set in a walkway. The working methodology is the electrodes in earth battery (zinc and copper), exchange ions and produce currents. This battery is connected to a joule thief. In a joule thief, the main components are ferrite (toroid core), copper wire, transistor, and resistor. The copper wire is made two folds and wounded around the core to make it a transformer. The more, the number of turns, the more input it gives. The circuit looks like shown: The resistor can be taken to be, 512ohms. The inflow and outflow of current from the transistor makes it work like a switch and it goes on and off 50,000 times a second making the LED to light. So, a series of LED lights setup in a walkway can be run using the Joule thief ridden by an earth battery. Analysis: The analysis is that, the earth battery doesnt need any circuitry, and takes its energy from the soil and it can be placed inside the soil with just two wires coming out, which are connected to the joule thief. And, as discussed, the joule thief lights up the LEDs. The LEDs can have a motion sensor attached (if necessary to save energy) and otherwise, the earth battery can be used to charge batteries or perform any other functions. And also, LEDs are better than fluoros, because, they save a lot of energy comparatively. LEDs are costly, as of now, but the overall efficiency that they work at, is more than fluoros. If the total energy consumed and the skilfulness is calculated per annum, then LEDs stand first. Conclusions: I think that this idea is practically possible. Both are efficient and energy-saving circuits. So, the walkway in the Uni or any other likewise can be lit using this circuitry idea saving more energy and lasting long than the ones now in use.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Need for Control in Fitzgeralds Tender is the Night Essays

Need for Control in Tender is the Night    Dick Diver's love for his wife, Nicole, in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night, is based purely on his need to assert control and act as care taker to her due to her illness. He assumes this role in order to feel validation for his own lack of achievement in his professional life. The only true success he can be credited is Nicole's 'cure,' achieved through his devotion and care; thus he continually tries to replicate this previous success in his relationships to other young girls. He looks to be a source of caring and stability just as he had been for Nicole, relying on him for caring and protection from her illness.    The growth of Dick and Nicole's relationship is shown through letters written by Nicole. Although there are none of Dick's replies to refer to we see the change in Nicole from incoherent babble to normal correspondence. Dr. Gregory thus attributes the case to Dick as a success, "When the change began, delicacy prevented me from opening any more. Really it had become your case"(136). Nicole comes to rely on his letters at the clinic and is apologetic when he doesn't write, fearing she has lost him; "But when Dick's answer was delayed for any reason, there was a fluttering burst of worry-like a worry of a lover: 'Perhaps I have bored you', and: 'Afraid I have presumed'(142). He is her connection outside of the clinic and she desperately needs that relationship and his approval. Nicole is repeatedly described through her smile as young and innocent, "She smiled, a moving childish smile that was like the lost youth of the world," and "whenever he turned to her she was smiling a little, h er face lighting up like an angel's..."(153). The love she feels for D... ...glish things; the story of safe gardens ringed around by the sea was implicit in her bright voice..."(248). In each of these he is looking for love outside of the control he once had over Nicole and in doing so is drawn to the young and impressionable girls he sees and assumes he can replicate his love with Nicole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The complete loss of control over Nicole and over her illness is the ultimate demise of Dick. "She hated the beach, resented the places where she had played planet to Dick's sun. Why I'm almost complete, I'm practically standing alone, without him"(321). Nicole's realization of her freedom leads her away from Dick, and his only success was in the end his greatest failure, the loss of love of his wife and his loss of the life he knew. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Tender is the Night. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Spinning Misconceptions :: Break Dancing Culture Essays

Spinning Misconceptions The music pounded loudly on the dance floor as people stood in a circle. Nodding my head to the beat, I stepped out and did a few dance steps before I went down to the ground. On my hands and legs, I began walking rounds to the beat, throwing in a little bit of flare to it all, as much flare as I could think of. A few moments into the step, I jumped onto my hands and twisted my legs in the air. Freeze! So far, the crowd seemed silent; they just casually watched me mess around as if I was making a fool of myself, for it looked so simple to them. After some more dance steps, I jumped onto my right forearm and split my legs in the air above my head. Freeze number two! The hard-to-please crowd gave little response. I find it very difficult to dance to a crowd who shows such little response: neither positive nor negative feedback. So I jumped into the move that they gave their attention to see. I did a windmill: I rolled around on the floor as I swung my legs around in the air. The crow d finally gave me cheers of satisfaction. From the few years I learned about the break-dancing culture, I discovered a drastic difference between the popular view of the dance and an actual break-dancer’s view. Most misperceive the dance to be a bag of fancy aerobic tricks; however, the dance is more than that, for it includes the profound creative expression that makes it a unique portion of the hip hop culture. The first response I notice from people when I say that I break-dance is the emphasis on spinning on the head or just plain old spinning around. Flares (a gymnastic move where the dancer swings his legs around with only arms as support), head-spins, and other flashy moves are the main thing people associate with break dancing. â€Å"What, break-dance? What, you can spin on your head?† is an extremely common response. When people watch any type of breaking, they anticipate the showy stuff. Most have a superficial view of the dance and lack the profound appreciation for the art and culture. I find that people unconsciously categorize the dance into two parts: moves they think they can do, and moves they wished they could do.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Abstract Paper Co-Curricular Education Essay

The school is â€Å"in a verandah in his father’s palace; Gautama Buddha being instructed, with three other boys, by a Brahmin teacher. On their laps are tablets†¦ caged birds, musical instruments, a battle-axe, bows. Gautama, a prince, was given, along with literary education, education in music and military arts like archery. The making of man was regarded as an artistic and not a mechanical process. Indeed, the aim of education is to develop pupil’s personality, his innate and latent capacity. The academic curriculum has never been all that schools and colleges offer to their students. Often a range of other classes and activities are available to students in class routine and even after school. These are referred to as the co-curricular activities and they are mostly voluntary for students. Examples would include sports, musical activities, debate, Model United Nations, community service, religious study groups, charitable fundraising, Young Enterprise projects, military cadet activities, drama, science clubs, and hobbies such as gardening, crafts, cookery and dance. Co-curricular activities prepare students practically for the future. CBSE refers to Work Experience, Health and Physical education, games, painting, music and art education as Scholastic subjects. Then why importance of these subjects is negligible as compared to Mathematics, Science, Social Science and languages? But, most of the teachers teaching in various schools have no idea about art education, games and other similar subjects. As a result, there are unplanned and un-interesting instructions in the classroom because the teacher has no clue or inclination towards these subjects. There is no plan, criteria or syllabus in schools for these subjects. If you ask an art teacher who has studied art – whether a tree is green or purple? They would say colours show moods, depends which kind of painting you are making both colours could be used. Other teacher who has not studied art would rebuke students and make them colour the tree only brown trunk and green leaves. CCE activities are also a point of discussion amongst the teachers. Cutting and pasting pictures from somewhere is the most common activity done as a part of CCE. Bloom’s taxonomy is taught as a part of B. Ed. education but not implemented. Without effective activities children are not able to create, analyze, solve real life problems, express and innovate. They are scared to take risks and make decisions. If co-curricular activities are coupled with CCE activities then both important aims can be achieved. In-service teachers should be taught to integrate activities of Health, Physical education, games, painting, music and art, craft or dance in their lesson plans. Teachers should know how to include available resources in their everyday lessons but, because teachers are not trained to include co-curricular activities in everyday classroom teachers are not able to use these periods effectively. Most of the teachers are not even aware about what kind of activities could be done in the class, directions and purpose for doing an activity are not clear as a result the main aim of having these activities is defeated. These activities do not need report card to certify because they prepare you for life and not merely for a forthcoming competitive exam. Education requires concentration. Children are thrilled; the day they know they have a routine breaking activity or sports period or even if they get to cut paper, fold paper, sing a jingle, share a joke etc. The activity has to be planned well and then executed. The main concern is that teachers do not use their creativity to build activities according to the level of students. We have to teach students to learn instead of studying, do useful work instead of hard work and develop self-discipline instead of discipline, work voluntarily instead of assigned work*. This can be done only when teachers are trained to do so. According to the changes brought about in CBSE curriculum, changes should be brought about in B. Ed. curriculum. Everybody encourages practice of Yoga. But we do not realize even if students sing they are practicing kind of yoga. They regulate their breath, concentrate and think creatively. They try to create a balance between their bodies, mind and attain self-enlightenment. This is healthy and ensures that students are exposed to practical tasks, not just what is taught in class. Kids don’t come to know how much time they pass while they get lost in their hobbies. Schools cannot make Painters, Sports persons, Dancers etc. but they can help kids to decide their field of choice. The joy of creating something gives happiness. Concentration in a particular activity is like meditation which relaxes students from repeated reading, writing and arithmetic activities. The happiness children get from playing instruments, helping others, dancing or running makes them lively. Most co-curricular activities are physically ctive, getting the student out from behind their desk and making them try new things. All those things which break the monotony of class routine are welcome by kids. It could be an action song, small classroom game, managing the school garden, painting a poster for school competition, modelling clay etc. It teaches students to work in groups, think, take responsibilities, develop social skills, soft skills etc. Schools make infrastructure available to teachers but teachers have no clue how to use it. For example IT infrastructure. In olden days, education systems included Martial arts, drawing, singing, painting, sports and debate etc. as a tool for gaining wisdom, insight, concentration, compassion, mental piece, creativity, stamina etc. For example Buddhist mandala serves as a tool for guiding individuals along the path to enlightenment. Monks meditate upon the mandala, In service teachers when given duties for club activities they are clueless to the new tasks assigned. Even if they know one form of art concretely, they can teach it to students as a part of education. Teachers should concentrate on learning one form of art during their B. Ed. education. When teachers learn one form of art, they will not have to run to Art or Dance teacher every now and then for small ideas. Among the teachers many problems can get solved, school functions can be organized in a better way. Art teachers can get more time to complete their art syllabus in classrooms. In service teachers should be asked to plan activities with their lesson plans. Currently, it is observed that cut-and-stick pictures related to the topic is the most common activity done by teachers. Education must therefore promote and nourish as wide a range of capacities and skills in our children as possible. The gamut of such skills include the performing arts (music, dance, drama, and so on), painting and crafts, and literary abilities (weaving, stories, wielding language to portray different aspects of life, a flair for metaphorical and poetic expression etc. ). Also, skills as diverse as some children’s special capacity to bond with nature – with trees, birds, and animals-need to be nurtured.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Leadership Philosophy

Eisenhower said once said, â€Å"Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well†.   ( Any deliberation about leadership must begin with the recognition of the fact that people want to be led. It is obvious to a great extent in the face of a calamity they find comfort and inspiration from their leaders. This is also true on a day-to-day basis. People tend to need and seek out guidance from strong leaders. â€Å"Leaders organize people—whether in a multinational corporation, a civic or charitable enterprise, a family business, or a high school.† (Ashby and Miles, 2002) According to Fairholm (1998), â€Å"one of the fundamental characteristics of leadership philosophy is its emphasis on a few values held in common by group members†. These values are summed up in a vision of what the group and its members are and can become. â€Å"In the United States, the vision typically integrates values described first by the founding fathers. These values include personal liberty, respect for life, justice, unity and happiness. These are widespread values that are essentially held and to the achievement of which most people dedicate their energies. Unless leaders tap these energizing values, they risk not being able to lead†. (Fairholm, 1998) A Policeman’s life is riddled with high standards of selfless service. They have to have integrity and it is widely known that they have worked hard without waver since their inception. A question which arises often is â€Å"How do you lead men in such a way that they will put their life on the line for you in an encounter situation in times of danger, and work twenty hours a day for weeks and sometimes months to resolve a crisis?† Of course this can be achieved through perpetual torture and extreme fear of the leading officer but Constables and Lieutenants under such a Captain will not give their job a 100 percent and the direct negative outcome of that will be that the team will not be functioning at full capacity. Firstly a leader must illustrate devotion and commitment to a life of service. Secondly, it is of vital importance that a leader must be considerate and concerned about his people. (Puryear, Jr.) These tie in with the principle of observation of a role model. A leader’s subordinates have to see that their leader is entirely dedicated to his job and doesn’t only treat it as a job or simple tasks which have to be performed out of duty. A leader must display his love of the occupation so that his subordinates have a role model to follow. However, they will not follow him without question if he doesn’t demonstrate affection for those under him. There is no need for physical forms of affection. The kind of affection needed can simply be demonstrated by thoughtfulness from a leader. A leader needs to be genuinely concerned about the safety of those under him. In a job such a police officer’s this is particularly important. An officer's subordinates need to know without any doubt they their lives are in the hands of someone who cares. Brilliant examples of concern for staff have been littered through the US military history, â€Å"Gen. Vandenberg invited a colonel to sit in on a conference with the legendary Macarthur. Gen. Twining gave up his Christmas vacation to permit Quesada to catch up on his flight training. General John P. Ryan took coffee to mechanics working late at night. General Brown allowed a crewman to release his frustration by putting on his cowboy hat and boots. He also provided flights home during temporary duty for his officers and men, and he saw to it that enlisted personnel living in barracks could have a leisurely breakfast on Sundays.† (Fairholm, 1998) With such an amazing array of leadership in our country’s history, one should take a leaf out of their book. Some may think that all leaders would comprehend and be aware of the significance of looking out for those underneath your authority, yet such is not always the case. A primary principle which policemen follow is to develop a sense of responsibility among their subordinates. General Marshall would say throughout his career to his subordinate officers, â€Å"Fix the problem, not the blame†. At times, a leader has to rely on himself and more imperatively, on his workforce to see him through the storm or bad weather. (Barber, 2004) It is of vital importance that the subordinates discover that they are capable of achieving more, the subordinates assessment of what constitutes of difficult is a direct consequence of their frame of reference. This problem can be solved with mentorship. Part of mentoring someone involves placing a subordinate in contact with people at the top who are making the toughest decisions. As Murphy and Riggio (2003) put it, â€Å"Opportunities such as observing another's leadership and management skills in action or gaining self-awareness through another's perspective are just a few of the benefits of mentoring†. Using Gen. Shy Meyer's definition, a mentor is someone who provides â€Å"guidance, counseling, advice, and teaching† and, with that, â€Å"door opening† -meaning opportunity. â€Å"The result of door opening and mentorship is that with progress in rank and responsibility one gets the toughest jobs, the longest hours, and the greatest sacrifices in family life.†Ã‚   (Puryear Jr., 2000) Unfortunately many leaders have developed the â€Å"one-size-fits-all† mentality. This blunder is the outcome of an ironic combination of overconfidence and under confidence in the value of an old, recognized and formerly victorious plan and under confidence in being able to master or develop an original but new and so strange plan.   Sometimes Police officers want to get fast results and so get impatient and apply this theory their operations. One's previous knowledge is always an advantage and it is a huge part of any operation but it must only come into play in the context of the present circumstances. Some may attribute the habit of to a lack of ability to comprehend or even mental laziness. Inductive reasoning is required to avoid such am error.   This entails the skill to look at and understand the bigger picture. Of course this may require the investigation of hundreds or thousands of concrete facts and observations, then set aside those which are insignificant and of no great consequence and finally amalgamate the remainder of it into tiny basic conclusions and standards. The final question has to be â€Å"What does this all add up to?† This can be done through two ways; Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning.   Inductive reasoning is based on simplification prioritizing. It involves turning complexity into simplicity by imposing order on seeming chaos and identifying what has to be done before any other outcomes can be achieved. What is a fundamental need to be considered and this fundamental feature is what everything else will rely on and function upon. Deductive reasoning works in another manner. It involves integrating what has been discovered with prior knowledge and then applying it to the current situation. Some may find the level of complexity required too great. So they bluster and make demands on subordinates and use familiar strategies, but they never get to the real heart of the problem because they do not know what it is. There may be a lack of creative imagination as well. All of this is very hard mental work and requires intelligence and logical thinking; a policeman’s work is not only restricted to physical activities! A few leaders often do not know that they cannot handle the job properly. More often than the foundation of their self-esteem is always being right and always being in control of things. They would feel humiliated and degraded if they admit that they cannot complete a task correctly. They lie to themselves by convincing themselves that they can do it and fall into a whirlwind of desperate, inept measures. None of them could be right but that point they stop thinking. They replace thinking with clumsy actions. When things begin to go bitter, they lash out at their subordinates and then segregate themselves so that they will not have to hear the bad news. All this makes them progressively less able to fix what is really wrong with the operation. (Murphy and Riggio, 2003) Henry L. Stimson, the secretary of War through 1990 and 1911 once said, â€Å"I had been accustomed throughout my life to classify all public servants into one or the other of two general categories: one, the men who were thinking what they could do for their job; the other, the men who were thinking what the job could do for them.† (Puryear, 2009) True leaders who others follow without any doubts or questions even in the worse of circumstances are those who do the former. References Barber, E. Brace. (2004) No Excuse Leadership: Lessons from the U.S. Army's Elite Rangers. Hoboken, NJ. Wiley. Fairholm, W. Gilbert. (1998). Perspectives on Leadership: From the Science of Management to Its Spiritual Heart. Westport, CT. Quorum Books. Murphy, E. Susan & Riggio, E. Ronald. (2003). The Future of Leadership Development. Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Puryear, F. Edgar, Jr.(2000) American Generalship: Character Is Everything The Art of Command. Presidio Miles, A. Stephen & Ashby, D. Meredith (2002) Leaders Talk Leadership: Top Executives Speak Their Minds. New York Oxford University Press. AWC Elective: Strategic Leader Development Accessed January 5, 2007   

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Explain the Relationship Between Karma, Dependent Origination

Karma, dependent origination and rebecoming are all big parts of the Buddhist religion and link quite closely – dependent origination basically teaches that everything is connected, which corresponds with karma, the teaching that good behaviours will have good consequences and bad behaviours will have bad consequences, and generating bad karma will result in being trapped in samsara, the process of rebecoming that is structured by suffering or dukkha – another concept dependent origination explains.Dependent origination or the principle of conditionality (paticca samuppada) is the principle that nothing exists independently of anything else. Everything depends on something else in order for it to exist, and is part of a web of conditions whereby when the conditions one thing relies on cease to exist, it does too. These conditioned states define us as we constantly change whilst we are in samsara, however they cause dukkha to arise as they are impermanent and caused by c raving or tanha. Karma is within dependent origination.The literal meaning is ‘volitional (willed) action’ or ‘volitional actions have consequences’. Good or skilful actions, kusala, generate good merit, punna, and bad pr unskilful actions, akusala, generate bad merit, apunna. The general understanding of karma is that if you do something bad then the universe will cause something bad to happen to you. In Buddhism it is believed that karma is carried through the process of samsara, be it good or bad karma, and it shapes who we are – as the Dhammapada says, ‘our life is shaped by our mind, we become what we think’.It is often likened to a seed (bija) as it is stored in the unconscious mind, and it will ripen (vipaka) and produce fruit (phala) when under the right conditions, caused by positive karmic action. It does not necessarily mean that if you cause something bad to happen to someone or something then you will generate bad karma â₠¬â€œ the nature of the karma relies on the intention of an action rather than the outcome. Punna can also come about as the result of auspicious actions.These include supporting the sangha (Buddhist community), providing help to those in need (for example giving food and shelter or donating to charities), empathising with another person’s auspicious deeds. Karma helps to develop wisdom and mindfulness, as we become more aware of the consequences of our actions and therefore are more careful. It also emphasises the importance of freewill, as it helps to explain that we make our own destiny and we cannot always refer to fate as the reason behind happenings. Karma is very relevant to the cycle of rebecoming as karma is passed on through each life – in Buddhism there is no soul, only karma.Rebirth can occur in different realms displayed in the Tibetan wheel of life – the Heaven Realm, where the fruits of previous positive karmic actions are enjoyed but beings forget that they must still strive for enlightenment; the Titan Realm, where warlike beings are constantly conflicting and have also forgotten the might strive for enlightenment; the Animal Realm, where the only concern is for the basic physical needs of food, sex and sleep and beings are lacking in education and culture; the Hell Realm, where torture and hatred is constantly present; the Hungry Ghost Realm, where nothing is satisfying and everything turns to fire; and the Human Realm, where pleasure and pain are both present and enlightenment is most easily attainable. These realms are not exactly literal but more in reference to different states of mind. The ultimate goal is to exclude oneself from the ongoing cycle of pain and suffering by becoming enlightened. To achieve this, ignorance (avidya) must be tackled in order to recognise the consequences of actions (karma) and avoid suffering caused by impermanence (anicca) and no self (anatta).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Morality and Respect Essay

Respect Respect has great importance in everyday life. As children we are taught to respect our parents, teachers, and elders, family and cultural traditions, other people’s feelings, our country’s flag and leaders. And we do tend to value these things; when we grow older, we may shake our heads at people who seem not to have learned to respect them. We develop the tendency to respect only those who are popular. We may also come to believe that, at some level, all people are worthy of respect. We may learn that jobs and relationships become unbearable if we receive no respect in them. Calls to respect certain things are increasingly part of public life: environmentalists exhort us to respect nature, foes of abortion and capital punishment insist on respect for human life, members of racial and ethnic minorities and those discriminated against because of their gender, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, or economic status demand respect both as social and moral equals and for their cultural differences. We may learn both that our lives together go better when we respect the things that deserve to be respected and that we should respect some things independently of considerations of how our lives would go. We may also learn that how our lives go depends every bit as much on whether we respect ourselves. The value of self-respect may be something we can take for granted, or we may discover how very important it is when our self-respect is threatened, or we lose it and have to work to regain it, or we have to struggle to develop or maintain it in a hostile environment. Some people find that finally being able to respect themselves is what matters most about getting off welfare, kicking a disgusting habit, or defending something they value; others, sadly, discover that life is no longer worth living if self-respect is irretrievably lost. It is part of everyday wisdom that respect and self-respect are deeply connected, that it is difficult if not impossible both to respect others if we don’t respect ourselves and to respect ourselves if others don’t respect us. It is increasingly part of political wisdom both that unjust social institutions can devastatingly damage self-respect and that robust and resilient self-respect can be a potent force in struggles against injustice. 1. The Concept of Respect In the process of understanding respect there a few questions that come to mind: (1) How can respect be understood? (a) What category of thing is it? (b) What are the elements of respect? (c) To what other forms is respect similar to, and with what does it contrast? (d) What beliefs, attitudes, emotions, motives, and conduct does respect involve, and with what is it incompatible? (2) What are the appropriate objects of respect? (3) What are the bases or grounds for respect (4) What ways of acting and forbearing to act express or constitute or are regulated by respect? (5) What moral requirements, if any, are there to respect certain types of objects, and what is the scope and theoretical status of such requirements? (6) Are there different levels or degrees of respect? Can an object come to deserve less or no respect? (7) Why is respect morally important? What, if anything, does it add to morality over and above the conduct, attitudes, and character traits required or encouraged by various moral principles or virtues? (8) What are the implications of respect for problematic moral and socio-political issues such as racism and sexism, pornography, privacy, punishment, responses to terrorism, paternalism in health care contexts, cultural diversity, affirmative action, abortion, and so on? 1. 1 Elements of respect It is widely acknowledged that there are different kinds of respect, which complicates the answering of these questions. For example, answers concerning one kind of respect can diverge significantly from those about another kind. One general distinction is between respect simply as behaviour and respect as an attitude or feeling which may or may not be expressed in or signified by behaviour. We might speak of drivers respecting the speed limit, hostile forces as respecting a cease fire agreement etc. In such cases we can be referring simply to behaviour which avoids violation of or interference with some boundary, limit, or rule, without any reference to attitudes, feelings, intentions, or dispositions. In other cases, we take respect to be or to express or signify an attitude or feeling, as when we speak of having respect for another person or for nature or of certain behaviours as showing respect or disrespect. In what follows, focus would chiefly be on respect as attitude or feeling. There are, again, several different attitudes or feelings to which the term â€Å"respect† refers. Before looking at differences, however, it is useful first to note some elements common among varieties. An attitude of respect is, most generally, a relation between a subject and an object in which the subject responds to the object from a certain perspective in some appropriate way. Respect necessarily has an object: respect is always directed toward, paid to, felt about, and shown for some object. While a very wide variety of things can be appropriate objects of one kind of respect or another, the subject of respect (the respecter) is always a person, that is, a conscious rational being capable of recognizing and acknowledging things, of self-consciously and intentionally responding to them, of having and expressing values with regard to them, and of being accountable for disrespecting or failing to respect them. Though animals may love or fear us, only persons can respect and disrespect us or anything else. First, as suggested by its derivation from the Latin respicere, respect is a particular mode of apprehending the object: the person who respects something pays attention to it and perceives it differently from someone who does not and responds to it in light of that perception. This perceptual element is common also to synonyms such as regard (from â€Å"to watch out for†) and consideration (â€Å"examine (the stars) carefully†). Thus, respecting something contrasts with being oblivious or indifferent to it. An object can be perceived by a subject from a variety of perspectives; for example, one might rightly regard another human individual as a rights-bearer, a judge, a superlative singer, a trustworthy person, or a threat to one’s security. The respect one accords her in each case will be different, yet all will involve attention to her as she really is as a judge, threat, etc. As responsive, respect is object-generated rather than wholly subject-generated, something that is owed to, called for, deserved, elicited, or claimed by the object. We respect something not because we want to but because we recognize that we have to respect it. It thus is motivational: it is the recognition of something â€Å"as directly determining our will without reference to what is wanted by our inclinations†. In this way respect differs from, for example, liking and fearing, which have their sources in the subject’s interests or desires. At the same time, respect is also an expression of agency: it is deliberate, a matter of directed rather than grabbed attention, of reflective consideration and judgment. In particular, the subject judges that the object is due, deserves, or rightfully claims a certain response in virtue of some feature of or fact about the object that warrants that response. This feature or fact is the ground or basis in the object, that in virtue of which it calls for respect. The basis gives us a reason to respect the object; it may also indicate more precisely how to respect it. Respect is thus both subjective and objective. There are many different kinds of objects that can reasonably be respected and many different reasons why they warrant respect. Some things are dangerous or powerful and respect of them can involve fear, awe, self-protection, or submission. Other things have authority over us and the respect they are due includes acknowledgment of their authority and perhaps obedience to their authoritative commands. Other forms of respect are modes of valuing, appreciating the object as having an objective worth or importance that is independent of, perhaps even at variance with, our antecedent desires or commitments. Thus, we can respect things we don’t like or agree with, such as our enemies or someone else’s opinion. Valuing respect is akin to esteem, admiration, veneration, reverence, and honour, while regarding something as utterly worthless or insignificant or disdaining or having contempt for it is incompatible with respecting it. Respect also aims to value its object appropriately, so it contrasts with degradation and discounting. Finally, respect is generally regarded as having a behavioural component. In respecting an object, we often consider it be making legitimate claims on our conduct as well as our thoughts and feelings and are disposed to behave appropriately. Appropriate behaviour includes refraining from certain treatment of the object or acting only in particular ways in connection with it, ways that are regarded as fitting, deserved by, or owed to the object. And there are very many ways to respect things: keeping our distance from them, helping them, praising or emulating them, protecting or being careful with them. To be a form or expression of respect, behaviour has to be motivated by one’s acknowledgment of the object as calling for that behaviour, and it has to be motivated directly by consideration that the object is what it is, without reference to one’s own interests and desires. The attitudes of respect, then, have cognitive dimensions (beliefs, acknowledgments, judgments, deliberations, commitments), affective dimensions (emotions, feelings, ways of experiencing things), and conative dimensions (motivations, dispositions to act and forbear from acting); some forms also have valuation dimensions. The attitude is typically regarded as central to respect: actions and modes of treatment typically count as respect insofar as they either manifest an attitude of respect or are of a sort through which the attitude of respect is characteristically expressed. 1. 2 Kinds of Respect There is a four-fold distinction among kinds of respect, according to the bases in the objects. Consider the following sets of examples: (a) respecting a colleague highly as a scholar and having a lot of respect for someone with â€Å"guts†; (b) a mountain climber’s respect for the elements and a tennis player’s respect for her opponent’s strong backhand; (c) respecting the terms of an agreement and respecting a person’s rights; and (d) showing respect for a judge by rising when she enters the courtroom and respecting a worn-out flag by burning it rather than tossing it in the trash. The respect in (a), evaluative respect, is similar to other favourable attitudes such as esteem and admiration. Obstacle respect, in (b), is a matter of regarding the object as something that, if not taken proper account of in one’s decisions about how to act, could prevent one from achieving one’s ends. The objects of (c) directive respect are directives: things such as requests, rules, advice, laws, or rights claims that may be taken as guides to action. The objects of (d) institutional respect are social institutions or practices, the positions or roles defined within an institution or practice, and persons or things that occupy the positions or represent the institution. These four forms of respect differ in several ways. Each identifies a quite different kind of feature of objects as the basis of respect. Besides four-fold classification, some argue there should be a fifth form, care respect, which is exemplified in an environmentalist’s deep respect for nature. This analysis of respect draws explicitly from a feminist ethics of care and has been influential in feminist and non-feminist discussions of respecting persons as unique, particular individuals. Other kinds of respect: recognition respect and appraisal respect. Recognition respect is the disposition to give appropriate weight or consideration in one’s practical deliberations to some fact about the object and to regulate one’s conduct by constraints derived from that fact. Appraisal respect, by contrast, is an attitude of positive appraisal of a person or their merits, which are features of persons that manifest excellences of character. 2. Respect for Persons People can be the objects or recipients of different forms of respect. We can (directive) respect a person’s legal rights, show (institutional) respect for the president by calling him â€Å"Mr. President,† have a healthy (obstacle) respect for an easily angered person, (care) respect someone by cherishing her in her concrete particularity, (evaluative) respect an individual for her commitment to a worthy project. Thus the idea of respect for persons is ambiguous. 3. Respect for Nature and Other Nonpersons Although persons are the paradigm objects of moral recognition respect, it is a matter of some debate whether they are the only things that we ought morally to respect. One serious objection raised is that in claiming that only rational beings are ends in themselves deserving of respect, it licenses treating all things which aren’t persons as mere means to the ends of rational beings, and so it supports morally abhorrent attitudes of domination and exploitation toward all nonpersons and toward our natural environment. Taking issue that only persons are respect worthy, many philosophers have argued that such nonpersons as humans who are not agents or not yet agents, human embryos, plants, species, all living things, the natural ecosystem of our planet, and even mountains, and rocks, have moral standing or worth and so are appropriate objects of or are owed moral recognition respect. Of course, it is possible to value such things instrumentally as they serve human interests, but the idea is that such things matter morally and have a claim to respect in their own right, independently of their usefulness to humans. 4. Self-Respect While there is much controversy about respect for persons and other things, there is surprising agreement among moral and political philosophers about at least this much concerning respect for oneself: self-respect is something of great importance in everyday life. Indeed, it is regarded both as morally required and as essential to the ability to live a satisfying, meaningful, flourishing life—a life worth living—and just as vital to the quality of our lives together. Saying that a person has no self-respect or acts in a way no self-respecting person would act, or that a social institution undermines the self-respect of some people, is generally a strong moral criticism. Nevertheless, as with respect itself, there is philosophical disagreement, both real and merely apparent, about the nature, scope, grounds, and requirements of self-respect. Self-respect is often defined as a sense of worth or as due respect for oneself; it is frequently (but not always correctly) identified with or compared to self-esteem, self-confidence, dignity, self-love, a sense of honour, self-reliance, pride, and it is contrasted (but not always correctly) with servility, shame, humility, self-abnegation, arrogance, self-importance. In addition to the questions philosophers have addressed about respect in general, a number of other questions have been of particular concern to those interested in self-respect, such as: (1) What is self-respect, and how is it different from related notions such as self-esteem, self-confidence, pride, and so on? (2) Are there objective conditions—for example, moral standards or correct judgments—that a person must meet in order to have self-respect, or is self-respect a subjective phenomenon that gains support from any sort of self-valuing without regard to correctness or moral acceptability? (3) Does respecting oneself conceptually or causally require or lead to respecting other persons (or anything else)? And how are respect for other persons and respect for oneself alike and unalike? (4) How is self-respect related to such things as moral rights, virtue, autonomy, integrity, and identity? (5) Is there a moral duty to respect ourselves as there is a duty to respect others? (6) What features of an individual’s psychology and experience, what aspects of the social context, and what modes of interactions with others support or undermine self-respect? (7) Are social institutions and practices to be judged just or unjust (at least in part) by how they affect self-respect? Can considerations of self-respect help us to better understand the nature and wrongness of injustices such as oppression and to determine effective and morally appropriate ways to resist or end them? 5. Conclusion Everyday actions insist that respect and self-respect are personally, socially, politically, and morally important and philosophical discussions of the concepts bear this out. Their roles in our lives as individuals, as people living in complex relations with other people and surrounded by a plethora of other beings and things on which our attitudes and actions have tremendous effects, cannot, as these discussions reveal, be taken lightly. The discussions thus far shed light on the nature and significance of the various forms of respect and self-respect and their positions in a nexus of profoundly important but philosophically challenging and contestable concepts. These discussions also reveal that much more work remains to be done in clarifying these attitudes and their places among and implications for our concepts and our lives.

Language and the Text of Each Paper Essay

In this essay on the Brixton riots I hope to show how different newspapers can express the same basic facts in different ways to make the reader feel a certain way about the event – in this case, the Brixton riots. I will be looking at the front pages of two newspapers (which I call papers 1 and 2 in the essay), each of which describe the same event and include similar facts. The Brixton riots occurred in 1981 in Brixton, London, and were between the residents of Brixton (predominantly black) and the police forces. They came about in the first place because of historical background reasons and social reasons. Blacks had a history of low-ranked jobs with low pay. Since the British Empire broke up and the citizens of the Commonwealth countries, mostly black, moved to Britain, a lot of them were prepared to take low-ranked jobs so they could stay in the country. This meant that people in Britain associated them with being low-class. There were very few black people with high-ranked jobs. With people associating black people like this, it led to racism and general abuse. With all this abuse the blacks started to build up a stereotyped view of white people and because few black people had good jobs a stereotyped view of the police was built up as well. This meant that the tension was raised because each side mistrusted the other. The event that started off the Brixton riots occurred in Coldharbour lane in 1981. A policeman was on duty when a young black boy ran past him. The policeman, suspicious of the boy, ran after him. As he did so he tripped over the boy, badly injuring him. This aggravated the black community. Before this incident, the police had been given power to stop and search anyone they felt was suspicious which meant that the atmosphere in Brixton was tense. On the social side, in 1981 the Conservative government was in power with Margaret Thatcher as their leader. The less well off were dissatisfied with what the Government were doing. They hadn’t really done much at all to help young blacks. It was likely that if you were young and black at this period you would be unemployed. This meant that there was a lot of tension around, which helped to spark off the riots. With the riots being a shocking event, the press immediately got involved. This led to the events being sensationalised and being used as a money making scheme. When there is big news that is in the newspapers for quite a while, the papers develop a logo. Logos are used to structure and organise the paper . The readers get used to seeing a certain logo and they associate the logo with an event. Here it would be the Brixton riots. This helps the readers to find their way around the paper more easily. These logos seem to be giving a number of different impressions of the riots. In the captions beneath the logos a lot of the words seem to be in the semantic field of war. Words such as ‘battle’ and ‘war’, which are good examples of this semantic field, give the impression that the riots were very violent. The logo pictures are mostly of the same policeman with blood running down the side of his face. These images give the impression that there were some bad injuries in the riots and that the riots were very violent. However the fact that the logos are mostly concerned with the same image suggests that the injury inflicted on this policeman was perhaps the most dramatic injury there was in the riots. Even so, head wounds often appear to be much worse than they really are, which suggests that the riots were not so serious as the papers make them out to be and were, in fact, blown out of proportion. This image has been selected to attract the reader’s attention. If this were on T. V. it would still be easily possible to select and bias like you can in newspapers. A lot of news programmes choose their stories very carefully to ensure that a certain viewpoint is supported. Another way to manipulate facts is to take a very biased viewpoint . Two possible viewpoints are political and non-political. Newspaper 1 does seems to have a political viewpoint as it is taking pity on the police and is making them seem like the victims by criticising the rioters. This indicates that this paper takes the side of establishment and law rather than that of the rioters, the neglected residents of Brixton. Headlines such as ‘Police under Attack Again in New Fury’ makes the police out to be the victims and the mob to be a reckless, aggressive one. Headlines that demonstrate a particular viewpoint will attract the readers’ attention as they make the subject more dramatic. Newspaper 2 has a very different viewpoint, seeming to imply that the police were causing almost as much trouble as the rioters. ‘Eight police coaches, each containing forty men, were rushed to the area, further raising the tension’ suggests that this paper is taking the side of the rioters. It very much puts the blame on both the police and the Government and sympathises with the people of Brixton in its headlines . It is used here mainly to prejudice you even though it is opinion. ‘Police harassment’ and ‘Arrest sets off more clashes’ suggest that the main reason that the riots started was because of unnecessary action taken by the police. Other headlines, such as ‘No hope of jobs’ and ‘Decaying housing’, are blaming the Government for agitating the people of Brixton by not providing enough employment or repairing their houses. This could also be biased on T. V. as the editor could put forward only half of the full story ,so biasing the As well as having a very biased viewpoint to attract the readers, the paper can be made more attractive and eye catching. The front page of newspaper 1 is very eye-catching indeed. As soon as you look at it, your attention is drawn to the photograph and ‘BATTLEFRONT’ in large letters, the battlefront being the front line of the rioting. This banner headline, white lettering on a black background, takes up the whole width of the front page and is designed to make it stand out and catch your eye. The picture dominates the page and all the writing is positioned around it, making it the focus of the article. Also the headline, ‘The picture that sums up the horror of Bloody Brixton’, makes you look expectantly at the picture as well as using alliteration to draw your attention to it. The use of a capital letter for ‘Bloody’ gives the riots a historical connotation, as though it is already a well known event. Newspaper 2 has a much simpler front page, with a simple black headline, a subheading and a picture. Unlike on newspaper 1 the headline does not draw your attention to the picture, because it is not specifically related to it. Although there are some banner headlines across the top in bullet point form, displaying points such as ‘No hope of jobs’, they are much smaller. I think that this paper is less sensational and a bit more ‘refined’ than the other, typical tabloid newspaper. The headlines used in newspapers and the wording in them is another way to catch the readers attention . The headlines in a newspaper are very important as they often tell the reader what point of view the paper is taking, the nature of the event – if referring to one – who is involved, where it happened, and other bits of information as well. It is very important for a tabloid newspaper to use exciting and exaggerating vocabulary in them as this really helps to catch the readers’ attention and make them think that something very dramatic has happened. In newspaper 1, this has been done by using words such as ‘battlefront’. A word like this is obviously in the semantic field of war, making the events seem more dramatic. Other headlines, such as ‘Police under attack again in new fury’, make it sound as though the police were being physically attacked by the youths, who are described as ‘furious’. This sentence is in the passive tense whereas the other paper is written in the active. These headlines seem to be in a similar field of meaning and connotation as they are both associated with violence and the police being under attack. In newspaper 2, however, the headlines suggest different things. Headlines such as ‘Brixton points the finger’ and ‘Arrest sets off more clashes’ seem more thoughtful, as if the newspaper has analysed the events, not just exaggerated the happenings in them. They make it seem like Brixton is pointing the finger at the people who are doing the arresting (the police).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Journal 3 and 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journal 3 and 4 - Essay Example It was a new finding for me to know that women in Ethiopia are living in patriarchal society, where men are the dominant, as they create all laws and policies in politics and economy. Here, women do not have any role in the society. Instead, most receive the treatment similar to that of women slaves in the past. It was shocking to know that Ethiopian women work more than men do, yet they are paid less. The low income of the Ethiopian women has forced them to get involved in other jobs that include low human standards, such as prostitution, in order to get money to provide the basic needs for themselves and their children. Their suffering does not end by them selling their bodies to men; most Ethiopian women are infected with HIV. These findings make me question the effectiveness of the Ethiopian government. It is disturbing that this government has failed to embrace effective strategies to protect women. Another new concept that I learned from the reading was that there are different kinds of violence women suffer during conflicts. Apart from physical attacks, women suffer violence within the contexts of politics, inequality, rape, family, and peacemakers. Suffering from relatives was a new idea that I did not think of. Some women deliver their own member of family to justice if they are involved in corruption. This idea can be connected to our first reading in our first class, where the report explained the way women would define security, compared to men. To women security is the safety of her children and family and being able to provide all the basic needs for survival, while for men security is all about weapons and guns. Thus, it is painful for a woman to surrender one of her relatives, who is supposed to be under her protection and a part of her responsibility. However, if this member was not surrendered then he can affect her safety and safety of her other family members. Th erefore, women

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Puppies, Pigs, and People eating meat and marginal cases Essay

Puppies, Pigs, and People eating meat and marginal cases - Essay Example In his creative and provocative paper Norcross contends that there is no need for humans to continue consuming factory-farmed meat. He starts his article by giving an example of the fictional Fred and the quest for a chemical that will allow him to have the gustatory experience, akin to that of tasting chocolate. Unfortunately, Cocoamone can only be retrieved from the brain of an abused puppy following prolonged torture and an excruciating death. Just as one would condemn an individual who carries out this sort of treatment on puppies, so we should also condemn those who derive gustatory pleasure from the consumption of factory-farmed animals. The author gives some differences between Fred and an average consumer of meat, as well as possible defenses that one could use to justify their meat eating habits as being different to Fred’s fetish. He follows each of this method of reasoning with an objection. The first difference that he brings along has to do with the fact that Fre d does the torturing himself while a majority of Americans consume meat from creatures tortured by others. His second difference is that most consumers are not aware of the treatment meted out on these animals before they get to the supermarket. His first defense of the carnivore is that even if the individual did not consume or buy the factory-farmed meat, the animals would not be spared a life of cruelty. Agri-business is a vast market and changes to the eating habits of one individual cannot cause much of a difference. This Norcross refers to as causal impotence; the belief that refraining from meat consumption does not alter the amount of suffering the animal experiences. He objects vehemently to this defense by offering an example of a chocolate mousse that has Cocoamone. Norcross argues that once a person is informed on the methods of attaining Cocoamone, a morally upright person would then not order for the mousse. Consequently, this should be similar for a morally upright pe rson who is given information on the methods used to obtain factory-farmed meat. His second response is that while there is a tiny chance that one’s behavior is harmful, the harm that is risked is even extra harmful. A chance of one in a thousand to save two hundred and fifty chickens is the same as, the certainty of saving twenty-five chickens a year by a person electing not to consume chicken. Norcross continues to show an even more disturbing scenario where there is no change in breeding in the factories until ten thousand people turn to vegetarians. The faster the threshold is attained, the sooner the difference will be made; therefore, an individual’s behavior does result in a difference. The point of this fictional story is meant to raise a pertinent question; is Fred’s behavior really that different in a moral sense from the behavior of millions who buy and eat factory-sourced meat? Norcross does not think so and rejects various ways that could be used to distinguish the two. Relevant differences include the following: for any individual, who consumes factory-sourced m

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Alternative Channel Management Techniques Research Paper

Alternative Channel Management Techniques - Research Paper Example Partner relationships can be effective, but they need to be implemented correctly. The channel partner needs to be viewed as an integrated extension of the producer's internal sales organization (Wardley 2006 p.2). There must be a high degree of cooperation between the manufacturer and the distributor to have an effective relationship, and this necessitates a financial commitment to the partnership. Both parties need to have a sense of investment and an opportunity to gain from the relationship. These opportunities may be in the form of exploiting overlapping strategies such as marketing or advertising. Other areas of mutual concern and benefit may be in the service or support areas. With a partnership relationship, these issues become of more concern to the distribution channel when they have a financial stake in the overall process. The goal of getting a quality product to the most end users is a mutually shared objective. Though developing a channel partnership relationship has it s advantages, it also has its difficulties. One of the first concerns of the process is that the manufacturer may have other channels that compete with the partner. Competing for the same customers is not only one of the biggest obstacles to a partnership, but it can also double the cost of attracting and retaining customers (Wardley 2006 p.4). The manufacturer may also have other partners who are competing for the same retail outlets. Another obstacle to effective channel partnerships is getting access to the channel's information and technology.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Internal Auditor, Management, and the Forensic Accountant Essay

The Internal Auditor, Management, and the Forensic Accountant - Essay Example These measurements are carried out by continuous auditing mechanisms practiced by Internal Auditors such that timely alerts can be raised against negative trends or non-compliances within the system. Such auditing can continuously evolve quick fixes in the form of corrective actions that can be taken on a fly and also evolve long term effective preventive actions. Moreover, if data integration is carried out effectively by applying effective integrated frameworks like Balanced Score cards and using corporate governance tools like Business Activity Monitoring or Business Performance Monitoring, then continuous monitoring of risks and fraud become a reality. In this paper, we review literature pertaining to roles and responsibilities of Internal Auditors and their responsibilities to consider Fraud in audit of Financial Reports. First Literature: Understanding Internal Audit by Rickard, Peter, pages 30 to 34; Journal published by Australian Accountant, Melbourne in April 1994. This Journal has been included herewith because it presents a comprehensive discussion on role of Internal Auditors and the expectations from them from a legacy perspective and Peter Rickard is an Accountant specialized in Audit and Fraud Control along with being the member of Performance Management International. As per Peter, the management of an organization expects that the Internal Auditor would keep a close watch on the actual implementation of their instructions & policies in the organization and provide feedback on who is not performing in the organization. In addition, he argues that the Internal Auditors are expected to ensure compliance with Government Policies, Legislations and Regulations. He explained the management expectations from an Internal Auditor under three categories - Functional, Personal and Other. Under funct ional, it is argued that an Internal Auditor is expected to serve as the eyes & ears of the management and under personal, it is argued that the internal auditors should be well qualified, trained, certified & possesses high ethics & integrity. Under the category other, it is argued that the audit findings & fraud detection should be timely & proactive such that effective corrective actions can be taken without delay. The author argues that Internal Auditors cannot be made scapegoats for everything going wrong in the organization because they primarily work on audits based on samples which may not be the true representation of the actual problems. As per the Author, the primary tasks of internal auditors are - Audit Planning, Audit Reporting, Measuring Audit Performance, and bridging the gaps by taking corrective & preventive actions. They should not be taken as "negative informers" who always report "bad news". The perspective of this author is to save an Internal Auditor from over expectations of a Management. However, in the modern world the businesses drive what the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Office gossip Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Office gossip - Case Study Example Lilly had been working in the company as a salesperson, where she came across a customer, named Keith Lasky, with whom she was found in an objectionable condition, in her office talking sexy and creating noise with Lasky, which was not acceptable for her co-workers altogether. Since her company had appointed Lilly to enter into sales venture with the customers and clients, and she had been paying due heed to the same by producing excellent results during the course of performing her duties, she should have also kept in view that she was not only under-obligation to increase sales volume of the company, she was also expected to work for the good name and fame of her workplace. The company had bestowed its unflinching trust in Lilly, and it used to appoint her for its overseas operational services; it is therefore, her developing sexual relationships with one of the customers of the company not only appeared to be disgusting for her co-workers and colleagues, but also this act of her portrayed a very awkward scenario for the company that the sales staff of the company could touch even the bottom for generating business from the customers. In addition, the wrong-doing initiated by Lilly by developing extra-marital relationship with a customer introduced the condemnable trend that the female sales staff would also have to offer their physical charms for the sexual gratification of the customers in order to promote the company subsequently. Hence, her irresponsible act brought humiliation and defamation to the company, as the customers could communicate the same to the public at large that the company also offers the female staff for the sexual pleasures of the customers for capturing the attraction of others. Moreover, a married woman’s entering into extra-marital relationship with a customer was equally humiliating for her husband and children, as they would never allow such indecent activities. Consequently, her company,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Justification and Crisis of Modern Science Essay

Justification and Crisis of Modern Science - Essay Example He clearly understood the Deists and was greatly influenced by the brilliant Unitarians in social concepts. Rene Descartes on the other hand was known to be the vicar of modern science. He initiated a new clear means of thinking about science and philosophy through ignoring all notions centered on supposition or emotional conviction and concurring with the ideas proved by direct observation (Dunn, 1999). The ultimate aim of this paper is to examine how John Locke attempted to justify modern science in terms of bringing in his own ideas and views as a way to bridge the gap between Descarte’s res cogitans and res extensa. It also examines the way he was opposed by several other scholars Locke’s Justification of Modern Science John Locke was one of the most influential especially in An Essay about Human Understanding (1690), fundamentally rejected the Cartesian theory of the continuation of innate notions – like that of God, or time without end – and upholded that the infant during birth has no any form of knowledge and he compared it to a blank page, and in severe terms, it does not stay alive yet. It is important to note that when he selects the subject of his title, Locke never used the term â€Å"mind† which could propose a notion of something really stays alive like an object or a permanent structure (Dunn, 1999). In opposition to that, he chose the term â€Å"understanding† which proposes the idea of a continous process. What he meant here is that a child is never born with any knowledge and he only gets to understand things once hegrows up. This is because Locke believed that knowledge is mainly based on learning from â€Å"expereince†. According to him, a newly born baby has no form of expereince therefore has no type of knowledge. Although Locke understood that expereince depicts two forms – one centered on â€Å"reflection† or reasoning and the other on â€Å"sensation†, he openly impl ied that all automated expereinces are secondary derived from those obtained through the senses (Dunn, 1999). This happens even if the mind may generate completely new forms of automated expereince. This means that reflection is not only the meager copy of sensation, although its natural fabricis developed from it. It is clear from the theory of Human Understanding that Locke supported Modern science which suggests similar notions about human beings. Modern science assumes a child to be of little knowledge who does what he does not understand. For example, a baby can relieve himself and still eat the same waste because he doe not understand what he is doing. At the same time, a child can dare touch fire or hot substance and until it burns him is when he realizes that that is dangerous. Therefore, modern science and Jonk Locke’s theory of Human Understanding are more less the same because they contain same notions about human being. Although Locke was sometimes depicted as a c hristian due to his attendance and knowledge about church, he evidently attempted to justify modern science. Moreover, his other influential theory is that of availability of simple and complicated ideas. According to him, both of them belong to fields of expereince (Dunn, 1999). While simple notions are basically data that is received by the mind meaning that it is non-reducible to more basic ones. Complicated notions on the other hand are made up of a combination of basic ones. This theory was very instrumental during the aristotle

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Strategic Information Technology Management Essay

Strategic Information Technology Management - Essay Example Giving a user-friendly experience to the customer with trusting environment was the main objective of the company. From the very beginning the company started earning profit. In the year 1998 eBay was declared public with $18 per share and in the very next year 1999 eBay share was traded at b$282 a share. Soon it became the most valuable retailer over internet and even surpassed the giant like in respect of market capitalization. The core business functionality of the company mainly depends on trust and faith which the company always look very seriously and deal each people as goods that drive the business. The honest environment and respect for everyone whether big or small business or an individual is very important for the firm to grow its reach to the customers. The sellers who are the pillars of the business are taken care of at every step. For long-term profitability, trust and loyalty are the core strategies for the market development. The idea of internet auction p latform even facilitated the process of e-commerce which helps trade people to trade on anything available in the market. The efficient and effective transaction process of eBay helped a lot to grab the market for which people without any worry can buy and sell products online just by few clicks. The growing company continued its business expansion with more and more products and services and even entered into bidding of cars and real estate in recent years (Gopalkrishnan, Gupta, n.d. p. 1). Information Communication Technology implementation In the modern world of technology information and communication plays a great role in the business process in various ways. Amongst the various technological implementations the most prominent role is played by the concept of e-commerce in the... ‘Strategic Information Technology Management’ uses for an example online retail giant because it is one of the popular online market place which not only operates locally but also national and internationally. The core business functionality of the company mainly depends on trust and faith which the company always look very seriously and deal each people as goods that drive the business. The honest environment and respect for everyone whether big or small business or an individual is very important for the firm to grow its reach to the customers. The sellers who are the pillars of the business are taken care of at every step. For long-term profitability, trust and loyalty are the core strategies for the market development. The idea of internet auction platform even facilitated the process of e-commerce which helps trade people to trade on anything available in the market. The efficient and effective transaction process of eBay helped a lot to grab the market for which people without any worry can buy and sell products online just by few clicks. The growing company continued its business expansion with more and more products and services and even entered into bidding of cars and real estate in recent years. The with its diversified items and technological advancement gives a great prospect for the company for the growth in e-commerce industry. E-commerce offers a great growth rate for any company than any other traditional way of businesses. EBay took this opportunity to grow by using its enhanced e-commerce based business and its electronic data interchange technique for secured transaction for the customers.